perjantai 16. joulukuuta 2011

Marjutilta Annelle =)

Sain eilen postissa ihanaisen paketin. Harvemmin nykyään sieltä mitään mukavaa tuleekaan. =D Saakohan näitä Lumiukkosoppa pussukoita ihan jostain kaupasta vai onko tämä ihan itse kasattu? Aivan ihana juttu. =)

Kiitokset teille kaikille ihanista jutuista mitä olette täällä jakaneet ja oikein oikein ihanaa joulunaikaa kaikille teille. <3

Anne =)

5 kommenttia:

Debbie kirjoitti...

Thanks again for your sweet comment!
Debbie Moss

Debbie kirjoitti...

I bought them on Ebay Uk from a chinese seller, it comes complete with threads, and aida. The only problem is that you have to buy two kits because they don`t give you enough thread. Although they are quite cheap to buy at £12.00 and some others at £8.00. The beads are not included, though. At the moment I have started another kit, I will show it tomorrow on my blog!
Kind regards and thanks for the interest,

Debbie Moss

P.S -Both designs that I made have now been discontinued, I made it a few years ago, but they still have nice designs to choose from, though!

greenthumb kirjoitti...

Hi just found your lovely blog, and saw so of your cross stitch, I have started mine for this christmas. All you need is a translate bar so i can read your blog.

Johanna Zweden kirjoitti...

Hello from Sweden

Thank you for your compliment on my site!

No I am not a textile artist, but I love all sorts of handicraft, from embroidery (all kinds , I buy books and try it out), quilting, knitting etc.....

You have a lovely site, and I will put you on my list, it is nice to meet people, from around the world'

Terveisiä Ruotsista

Maria kirjoitti...
